Minor Update

Minor Update

Install Pluto TV App on Windows PC


The recent Pluto TV app update brings a range of exciting changes:

  • Favorites Feature: You can now add channels to your favorites, making it easier to access your preferred content.
  • Resume Watching: The app remembers where you left off on a show, allowing you to seamlessly pick up where you left off.
  • Background Playback: The app continues playing a show even if you switch to another app, ensuring uninterrupted viewing.
  • New Episode Notifications: Stay updated with new episodes of your favorite shows as the app notifies you when they become available.
  • Show Ending and Starting Alerts: The app notifies you when a show is ending soon and when a show is about to start, keeping you informed.
  • Time Remaining Display: Get a clear view of the time remaining in a show, helping you manage your viewing schedule effectively.